Reviews & Feedback


Dear Paige, Thank you for all that you do. You have taught me a lot about reconnection and acceptance; how to appreciate all that I am. You helped me embrace and freely express the child inside of me. I have really enjoyed yoga with you these past 2 months. I am going to miss you so much. Thanks again, love G.” (Patient at ED RTC June 2024)

“Dear Paige, Yoga has been the one thing I have always looked forward to doing at Clementine (RTC). I enjoyed doing fun poses, guessing a movie the music you play and talk to you about random things. One of my favorite memories I have is ‘fake laughing’ till I start laughing. You have taught me that it is okay to rest. One things that really struck me is instead of saying ‘sorry’, say ‘thank you’ instead. I will continue to act like a six year old. I will laugh and dance around. Most of all, I will miss you. I really appreciate everything you have done for me!” (A. Patient at ED RTC April 2024).


“Hi Paige, i just completed an initial psych eval with X (removed name) and they spent the first several minutes talking about how their first group was a yoga group, and how much it has positively impacted them just in their first week here in IOP. They talked about a deep exhale they were taught and how they've been using this since that group along with a tactile fingertip exercise they learned, and have been doing this as well. It was really impactful for them. I looked back and it looks like it was your group so I wanted to pass on their positive feedback.” Therapist at IOP for mental health August 2023

I was so impacted by your classes. It really helped me calm my busy mind and to focus myself. Even though I was at work, the singing bowl really impacted me; even though at first I was skeptical.” Dianne D. (Nurse at residential rehab who observed my sessions to patients) June 2023

“Hi Paige. I used to take your classes and they were the only classes that didn’t leave me in pain. When I moved back to this area I was hoping to catch a class with you but I haven’t seen you listed at a studio lately. I really want to work with you again! I don’t care for virtual classes but do you have in person options?” Message from Amber March 2023. Answer is yes - I do in person private lessons. See appointments for options, prices and locations.

“Dear Paige: My partner and I want to thank you for all you have done to support our son. You have been far more than a yoga instructor and more like a therapist, helping him develop tools and a mindset to deal with his issues. Providing him meditation, breathing and stretching exercises will hopefully enable him to continue his progress moving forward without your classes. And thanks to you we have tried new restaurants, dishes, teas and other foods! Again, thank you for your support – you have given all of us comfort in knowing that you truly care for him and have helped him navigate a challenging time in his journey.” (JB parent of a student at Fusion Academy)


Yoga Paige, Thank you so much for everything you have done. You helped me find myself and let me have some of the best naps of my life!!! I’m so grateful for you. I wish you the best…and stay awesome. Sound bowls (best things ever!) I will miss you but will be watching your YouTube videos. (KF Patient at ED RTC - December 2022).

Paige brings a positive and supportive energy to her yoga groups and really works to meet each client where they are at. Her documentation is reflective of the work she does with the clients and has been a helpful addition to the treatment of our clients. Overall, Paige has been a wonderful addition to our team and we are lucky to have her!” (Director at Residential House for ED, Stephanie - December 2022)

“My wife and I want to thank you for all your efforts with your son’s physical and mental health. He has really relied on your guidance to find ways to channel his emotions and energy, and we truly appreciate it. Thank you!” (JB - father of 15 year old student at Fusion Academy that I teach Yoga at - October 2022).

“I just wanted to thank you for the amazing things you are doing with my son. We are so grateful for your efforts to teach him mindfulness. I took him to investigate a therapy group but he was not interested and did not click with the therapist. I have been so proud of him having the courage to try new activities without knowing anyone, but he is so shy. However I know that he feels excited when he leaves your class and trusts you. Again thank you for your work with him! He is sleeping better and seems to ‘get’ why meditation is helpful. Yah!” (CL - Mom of a 13 year old student at Fusion - October 2022).

“I am so glad my son (adult) is taking your yoga classes now. I told him you were the best yoga teacher, I know, especially for a beginner. He told me he has taken 2 classes with you and so far he enjoys it. I sure do miss your classes!” (DB retired government contractor at office gym June 2022)

Dear Yoga Paige, Thank you so much for everything you have done for me here. As you know I struggle with exercise but you’ve helped me so much to realize it doesn’t have to be unenjoyable or painful. I know now that I don’t need to feel something for it to be there, and that things can be ‘different’. I loved all our time and yoga sessions together over these past 12 weeks. I am going to miss you and your insightful words, advice and support to me; especially with my family struggles. I am going to miss you so very much!” (MR at ED RTC June 2022)

Dear Yoga Paige, I wanted to thank you for your kind words, advice and wisdom during my stay here at rehab. You have a gift that touches people in unexpected ways! I will never forget you when I leave and will always use what you have taught me (my tools). Thank you so much! (Brooke May 2022)

Dear Ms Paige, Than you for everything that you did for me while in rehab. When we first met you were so kind to me, calming and a joy to be around. I always enjoyed yoga (not just because I got to rest) but it was where I found peace. You never shamed me for resting and encouraged me to listen to my needs. I really enjoyed the outings you took me on and I remember my first outing which was a drive around DC; I had a lot of fun learning from you. I remember my last outing which was a fun event but the drive with you was one filled with learning and laughter. You have helped me a lot on my eating disorder recovery and I will always remember you. Thank you so much Ms Paige. I love you!” (AP at ED rehab May 2022)

Dear Paige, Awww, I can’t believe that I am discharging! I am glad that you were such a clear voice off support and kindness in the time I was here at CFD. I have almost my whole family at home wanting me to teach them yoga! (Sa-Ta-Na-Ma). That helps a lot with the meditation and I remember you talked about this moment and how it would arrive; now it is here and I will miss yoga. I also appreciate when you took us on outings and one time when we went out to watch the airplanes. My take aways are to listen to myself and not push too hard as it may cause more pain. Thank you so much for everything. I am going to miss you and hope you will continue to help others.” (AL at ED rehab March 2022).

“Yoga Paige, Thank you for teaching me that my life and yoga doesn’t have to evolve around exercise. I remember your redirections and they are so unnoticeable and subtle which makes it more comfortable. I will miss you and your positive energy so much! You are truly amazing and I will never forget you. I miss you already!” TL (Pt at ED rehab March 2022)

“The best part about stepping down to PHP is that I get to see you there (hopefully).. So this isn’t goodbye just yet. Consider this as more of a ‘see you later’ letter. Regardless I just wanted to say thank you for everything. I loved learning from and working with you and I can’t wait to move forward in my recovery journey with you as a part of the experience. Thank you again!” EL (Pt at ED rehab March 2022)

“You know I actually learned the RAIN meditation during one of your yoga classes in Alexandria and I use it all the time. Really helped me get through some difficult times. Thank you! You're my favorite yoga teacher. :) You made a real impact on me. Thank you!” A. Scott (March 2022)

“You have done really well with my son and I’m so grateful in the way you have addressed his autism. Not every teacher ‘gets’ him and his very perceptive to that that do and you are at the top of the list. He has gotten so much out of working with you and when he graduates and completes your class I am looking ahead to figure out a way for him to continue on his own.” (February 2022) Allison F. - Parent of student at Fusion Academy

“I wish to thank you for all your support and invaluable suggestions to help my son. As you now he has struggled to stay engaged in school as well as in life generally, and it is a great relief to have you and the Fusion team on our side trying to help navigate these challenging times. I am a strong believer in the power of yoga and meditation so we are thrilled that you have connected him to this.” (January 2022) Jeff B - Parent of student at Fusion Academy


Thank you so much for all of your help while I’ve been here (in rehab). Getting the chance to be able to move my body again in a way without trying to ‘fix’ something about myself was valuable. Though my time here is coming to an end, I hope you know that you made a real difference. :-) “Sa-Ta-Na-Ma” the stress away will be with me for a lifetime. I hope you always ‘have a good day for no reason’.” (October 2021) Sydney

“I wanted to thank you for teaching me the true joy of yoga over the past seven months in treatment. You have really made an impact in my life by listening and understanding me. I appreciate what you have brought to my recovery and tools that I will use for the rest of my life.” (August 2021) Brooke

“Dear yoga Paige, I wanna start off and say that your vibes are magical and just out of this world. All my yoga sessions in treatment were unlike any other experience ever. You’re an astounding bowl player and they always put me into a deep rest. Also ‘Sa-Ta-Na-Ma’ will forever be a part of my life so whenever I do this I will think of you. Overall you changed my life with your euphoric, graceful and incomparable personality plus your humor and laugh lightens my day as well. Thank you for everything you have done to help my eating disorder recovery in the most calming and therapeutic way possible. Because of you I am motivated to pursue and continue yoga on my own.” (Aug 2021) AB

“I am so grateful for you and the time I got to spend with you these past few months in recovery. I appreciate your guidance when I wanted to give up and was feeling so lost. I will always remember to ask myself ‘maybe’. I was afraid of Yoga and the body connection but you walked me through it and opened a new experience for me. I wish you the best and want you to know how valuable my time with you was. I will always hold you in my heart.” (Aug 2021) Denise

“Dear Yogi Paige, you were here during my first week at residential recovery and I knew when I had my first yoga session that I was going to like you. I know we haven’t talked a lot but I want you to know that when you acknowledged me and asked how I was or noticed something about me that I felt seen and loved. Thank you for help me be in touch with myself and how I am feeling and for reminding me that there is no right or wrong way to feel. I will miss seeing you and I hope you have “a great day for no reason”. (Aug 2021) ND

“I hate good-byes so much but this is where my path leads me (just as you said and prepared me for my discharge). You have been such an amazing person and teacher for me during my recovery. I am definitely going to use the ‘surf-board’ pose when I get home and my Dad also wants me to show him restorative yoga more as well. Thank you so much! (July 2021) RB

“Thank you for supporting my journey to life and happiness. You’re so kind and you make everyone around a better person. I will continue to use the skills you taught me for the rest of my life. My biggest takeaway is ‘just because it is different doesn’t mean it is bad’. That is amazing advice and you have truly touched my heart. I felt so joyful when you told me butterfly quotes and I know you continue to help so many people. Than you for everything” (July 2021) AK

“I have loved the yoga sessions that you lead for me in treatment. I am so sad that today is the last time I will be in your session but I will always be grateful for the time I was there. You are so welcoming and always have great and comforting things to say. Thank you for everything you taught me.” (May 18, 2021) Danielle

“Working with Paige through her Yoga Therapy series was immensely helpful and comforting during the pandemic. She provided personalized and multidisciplinary strategies for healing and support. It was highly beneficial to have a regularly occurring meeting focused on wellbeing. Paige has a wealth of knowledge on yoga, the body, and life that make a tangible difference in her students’ quality of life. She is nonjudgmental and genuinely cares for her students. I highly recommend signing up for her Yoga Therapy series.” Laura B. (February 21, 2021) (Client was healing from Covid-19).


“I typically do a lot of flow yoga but found myself struggling to connect with teachers over the internet and too tired and stressed to really move fast during the pandemic; especially working and having two kids. I had been to a few of Paige's classes in the past, including prenatal, and saw a post about a yin class and decided to give that a try. After one class I decided to try several others including her yoga therapy series. I can honestly say her online studio is the next best thing to an person practice! She's put a lot of care into setting up her space with the best microphones and equipment and everything sounds and looks great. Her instruction is a great blend of intense knowledge and intuitive wisdom. She really can read the (virtual) room in a way that is so impressive. I highly recommend all of her class types, but my favorite is definitely thursday evening release and restore - I can't believe how relaxed I feel afterwards!" - Liz W. (August 17, 2020)

“After just two sessions with Paige I am already seeing the benefits of practicing yoga. While I've done yoga in the past, Paige brings together all the elements of what yoga is meant to achieve. Observing your thoughts, becoming more aware of your surroundings, slowing down, reducing pain and anxiety - Paige walks you through practices unique to you, while gently explaining the neuroscience behind each movement. These explanations solidify and reinforce how yoga is a game changing practice that has already helped me feel calmer, looser, and more in touch with my mind and body. Paige brings together the core elements of yoga in a therapeutic way that most instructors miss or gloss over. I am excited to continue this journey of self discovery through yoga with Paige.” - Lisa S. (August 12, 2020).

“Thank you for your yoga class last night. I woke up energized and in a good mood. Will definitely come again!!!!” Paige S (April 15, 2020) - first time practicing yoga student.

“I’ve practiced with Paige for many years at my office for lunchtime yoga. It was a pleasure to reconnect with her online yoga class after missing it for weeks and not having the mindset to practice on my own. Felt like old times but more special because my kids were able to join me and get some homeschool cooped up stress relief.” Lynn W. (April 15, 2020)

“Was so good to practice again with you (Paige) online today. I was on FaceTime with my family later in the day and they said I looked happy! Thank you so much for brining me back to myself in the midst of all this. Also if you are looking to add classes another weekday am class like the slow flow would be a very welcome addition to my week. I feel like the flow and getting a bit of a sweat going feeling really good when I’m so much more sedentary than usual.” Rebecca M. (April 14, 2020)

“I started attending Paiges classes in 2014..and now I attend her studio classes when my schedule allows. Her classes change with the seasons (Doshas) and the gentle/flow classes are always what I need. Her classes keep all the aches and pains away and help me sleep better. She does an amazing Yoga Nidra meditation that leaves me feeling less stressed and anxious. I highly recommend trying Paiges’s classes!!!!” Annette P. (April 9, 2020)

“A yoga practice with Paige does not discriminate and she works where you are at. I have experienced a lot of yoga studios and met her at the 14th Street studio years ago. She allows me to reflect on the mind and body experience, as well as how to engage with the world. In this crazy world, I often turn to her to help me feel at peace. Her teachings have done wonders for my anxiety and body image and I am so glad she is online now.” Jasmine B. (April 12, 2020)

“Paige is not only knowledgeable, but her compassion, humor and intellectual depth make the yoga experience beyond powerful. Given our current situation with Covid-19, Paige has pivoted so well into the virtual space…I feel like there is no wall up in class…she makes you feel like you are with her in the room!” Sabrinia F. (April 12, 2020)

“Working with Paige is a consistent reminder: I might be an essential employee these days but taking care of myself is essential too. A weekly (or sometimes more often) does of her no-nonsense blend of yoga and meditation helps me stay focused on what matters…and helps me sleep better at night.” Scott M (April 9, 2020)

“Thanks so much for arranging this private office online class. I fell asleep 20 minutes in. I didn’t respond because I was out. Paige has such a soothing voice and chill demeanor - I couldn’t help it. She ought to help the White House…we would be better off”. Message from Caroline B to Yoga Student who hired Paige for Zoom Corporate Yoga class. (April 8, 2020)

“I have neuromuscular disease and limited physically. When Paige teaches she keeps reassuring, offers modifications so you can find your own comfort and do as you are able; not perfect or overdoing. Her class encouraged me and made me comfortable even though I couldn’t move much. I felt like I belonged.” Jackie (April 2, 2020)

“I have missed your classes. It reminds me of how important it is to be with you and others in person. All our hearts, minds, and bodies in one place is beautiful, powerful synergy. I look forward to doing this again” Tom P (March 28, 2020)


“I arrived in class with arthritic knees. By explaining the body mechanics involved and showing me how to use blocks to achieve the best pose, Paige gave me the confidence to try harder to get more and better results. Highly recommended!” Nancy (apartment yoga)

“Dear Paige, Thank you for everything. You have made such an impact on my recovery and have opened up thoughts I truly didn’t think were there.   Than you for reminding me that pain, stillness and fear are always there, but that its ok.   You have shown me that sitting through all of that is a power all on its own.   I will always remember that things aren’t bad or wrong… just different.  Thank you for your healing.”  from a card from Olivia

“Dear Yoga Paige, I feel so grateful to have learned from you so much about yoga, life and being ok with yourself.   You’ve taught me so much about acceptance, inner peace and what it means to do what you need for yourself.   Listening to what my body needs has always been a struggle for me but you have shown me how to do that just a little bit more in yoga and all aspects of my life.   Thank you so so much for all your wisdom and kind words.  I’ll never see yoga the same.  Namaste”  from a card from Casey

Rosanna Apartment Yogi who has a wonderful attitude and playful spirit!

Rosanna Apartment Yogi who has a wonderful attitude and playful spirit!

“I’ve been going to Paige’s yoga classes twice a week for almost six months now, and she has helped me in so many ways! I have a perfectionist attitude and other issues left over from ballet training, and Paige has helped me learn how to take the middle way and not go all out all the time. I feel stronger, both physically and mentally, and my knees, which used to give me a lot of trouble, barely bother me any more. This has helped so much with my life as a professional musician spending hours a day sitting with my instrument. I would highly recommend Paige, whose sense of humor and down-to-earth spirit shine through in her classes.” Rosanna 

“Dear, Paige.  Thank you so much for everything this yoga session.   You have made such a huge difference fro me in both my yoga practice and my mental health while I’ve been pregnant.   I hope to continue learn under your guidance.” Card from Ainsley

“Yoga Paige.   Thank you so much for everything.  God has blessed me so much with such an amazing support system and I am so grateful that you are apart of it.  Your support and encouraging words have helped me so much!  I  look forward to continuing my yoga with you in mind.  It is amazing to see how you live this beautiful life that God has given you! I will never forget you.  I love ya so much.”  Rachel (Card from client at Rehab for eating disorders)

“Paige is an incredible instructor and yoga mentor. She is a beacon of knowledge and an embodiment of what it means to practice yoga. I highly recommend experiencing her classes if you’re a beginner or an advanced yogi – one class and you will be hooked.” Regan

Couple of Yogis (Lola on left and Anya on right) at Yogaworks Alexandria studio - loving community and spirit

Couple of Yogis (Lola on left and Anya on right) at Yogaworks Alexandria studio - loving community and spirit

“Paige – you are my soul healer.  Her teaching comes from heart. You always know what to say during the practice that goes straight to the heart. You taught me to slow down and “be with it”. Your sense of humor and laughs during the practice, I love them so much! I still wonder how you can play gong and sound bowls during meditation at the same time!” – Anya

“It’s hard to provide a review when there are so many ‘aha’ moments from her teachings. This quote from a recent article in Yoga Journal helps me put into perspective how unique her teachings are to me: Paige has ‘an uncanny ability to bridge the gap between Yoga practice and self-discovery in an accessible way.’ Let me go have ‘tea with that’” - Lola

“Excellent clear cueing in yoga that is gentle compassionate yet effective and empowering. She does amazing things with guided meditation in yoga nidra– such complete relaxation, and the sound bowls are not to be missed.”  – Amanda

“This was an excellent workshop with Paige (as always)…  the discussion and practice comparing yin, gentle and restorative were excellent ways to set-up, experience and think about how these practices vary in impact. Thank you for offering it to non-TT participants.” – confidential feedback from a student to a yoga studio owner.


Teaching Sound Bath & Restorative Yoga Workshop at 532Yoga December 2019

Teaching Sound Bath & Restorative Yoga Workshop at 532Yoga December 2019

“Paige’s classes are safe and welcoming. The energy super positive and accepting. I have taken several of her gentle classes and always leave feeling stronger, more confident, and happy. If you get an opportunity, take a Sleep Nidra class with Paige, it is a very cleansing and relaxing experience.” Mary Beth 


“My wife and I have tried other yoga nidra classes but something about her pace and voice that calms us that makes us drive far to her workshop in DC.  I find myself focusing and not simply going to sleep when she teaches compared to other Yoga Nidra I’ve had.  I also love her gentle yoga class as well.” 


“I loved Paige’s Yoga Nidra class. In fact, I loved all her classes I took at YogaWorks. She is a great teacher! I had a monthly pass in July and used it almost daily. I found Paige the best teacher in the studio. Now I have returned to my native country, Finland. But I signed up on Paige’s Facebook page, so I can keep in touch with her. “

 “I just wanted to thank you for the special prenatal class you did for me when my Mom was in town.  She practices yoga and she really enjoyed our special session.  Thank you!”

“Paige is a very talented teacher who really nourishes her students. She shares so much of her knowledge during (and before or after if you’re interested) class. She’s warm, engaged, funny, and real.”

Paige was an incredible yoga instructor who taught weekly corporate sessions at my organization. She was always able to take class participants out of a stressful work day and provide relaxation and centering experiences for everyone. I regularly practice yoga, and Paige was one of the best instructors I’ve ever had. I would absolutely recommend anyone to use Paige for corporate or private lessons. You wont regret it!”

Paige has done an amazing job introducing mindfulness and meditation to our company. Her calm and joyous manner adeptly introduces even the skeptics to the benefits of meditation. She uses a multitude of techniques including walking, meeting, eating, mantra, and object focused meditations. I have found her training very helpful and used it in both my professional and family lives. She is an asset to any company and I feel very lucky to have been exposed to her teaching.”

“Paige is a wonderful teacher she very good at explaining why you do the poses this way and what they do for you and the body. She puts you in a very relaxed state and you do more releasing in the poses but not with effort but ease and breath. I am learning to be where I am and not compare with others in class and just be happy with where I am in the poses. Being happy with myself.”

“I’ve practiced with Paige for the last two years in larger and smaller group classes. Paige has extensive experience in a variety of yoga practices and incorporates all this knowledge into the thoughtful way in which she teaches. She has a very positive way of urging her students to improve and expand their practice. I feel that my range and flexibility have grown under Paige’s compassionate tutelage. Whether in a large studio or a small one it feels like Paige is teaching directly to you.”

Paige really cares about your learning how to do the poses. She carefully explains how to do each one, instead of just calling out the pose names like many teachers do.” – From Beginning Yoga Student 


“I really like Paige Lichens who teaches Beginner’s Yoga at the studio I go too. In my opinion, she is a very talented teacher. I encourage you to try her class, especially if you are new to yoga and skeptical about it.” (Yelp review Oct 2015)

“Hi Paige, I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say that I’ve really enjoyed your yoga class. I’ve been wanting to get back into yoga but it’s so hard sometimes to find the time. I really appreciate the safe space this class offers to spend time with my son while still getting some yoga time for me. Plus I love seeing him “omm” and watching him try to imitate some of the poses both in the class and at home. He can’t stop practicing his downward dog. Thanks to you”

“As a new Yogi, I am still learning.  Just want to tell you how much I love Paige.  She is good for the soul and spirit.  I am the quintessential Type A personality classic DC mess.  But my classes with Paige help me achieve peace.  I wish she taught more at the studio.  If only I could take her to work with me everyday.  I am sure a lot of her students say the same.”

“My husband and I attended your prenatal partners class and really enjoyed it so much. What a nice experience to just be in a quiet, calm space together and connect. When we arrived at the hospital we found ourselves swept up in the flurry of hospital birth, but thanks in part to our work with you, we were able to stay connected and find our happy place despite the poking, prodding, checking and monitoring. Thanks so much for a great workshop and I look forward to seeing you again.”

“Thank you for following up with us. We were surprised by how much we enjoyed the workshop. The experience reminded me that sometimes it’s best to leave expectations at the door and allow oneself to be present. Thanks for helping us add new “tools” to our arsenal for childbirth, but mostly thank you for creating a nurturing space that allowed the couples to connect at a very precious turning point in our relationships.”

“Thank you so much for coordinating my family’s yoga class and connecting us with Paige. Paige is absolutely amazing! She was personable, approachable, and professional and created a class that was perfectly suited to all of our skill sets and ages. We all had a wonderful experience, and felt even more connected as a family afterward. My mother definitely felt celebrated. The experience has inspired all of us to continue taking yoga, too” Christine

“I’m so grateful for the prenatal yoga I did with you (wow, four years ago now!). Made such a difference in my outlook and I call william my yogi baby because he was so calm and relaxed as an infant…I’m convinced yoga had something to do with it and will never forget the first time I felt him move during shivasana. And while I ended up with a c-section, the nurse commented on my great breathing–all thanks to you! I hope other women will benefit from your guidance!” Nicole

“I just started attending the U Street studio and still new to yoga.  I really appreciated your humor and outlook.  You took the science of yoga and turned it into art form.  My friend and I really enjoyed this class compared to other classes we’ve ever taken.  We will be back.  Thank you for making the class fun!” Lil